Thursday, July 21, 2011

2011 June: Viet Gourmet - Frederick, MD

Ooh, looks like I'm behind on my posting - what else is new. Just found these pics from our visit to Viet Gourmet in Frederick in early June just before the kids got out of school. I think it was my 4th time there and 3rd for these girls. We had the lemongrass tofu again, as well as the black pepper tofu which we had last time, adding the tamarind chicken to our repetoire this time. Taro pudding for dessert, and they were out of the coconut bubble tea smoothie, so we challenged the chef to do a taro smoothie as Gigi & I are all over TARO these days. It was good, but the guy obviously just took the taro pudding and threw it in the blender with some ice! Who cares, it was delish! Got a kick out of buddha, looking very happy just sitting there with his vices.
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2011 April - Viet Gourmet, Frederick MD

I am drawing a total blank if this is the 1st or 2nd visit to Viet Gourmet, I think the second visit because on the 1st visit I didn't have my camera? It's been so long I can't remember what the top left photo is, but there's the black pepper tofu and the lemongrass tofu and the mango rice pudding (green goo) which was NASTY compared to the THAI version. We'll definitely skip that next time. has coupons to this place so we get an awesome deal, hence the reason on our first visit we ordered $100 worth of food that we got for $50! We rolled out of there that day, all full & happy!
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