Thursday, October 28, 2010

2010 May: Sichuan Pavillion

Bean Curd Salad / General Tso's Tofu / Sweet & Spicy Eggplant / Stir-fried Baby Bok Choy

Dessert (round 1) at Bobek's Fruit Smoothie Shop (Passionfruit Cove & a Brazilian Specialty, Cupaco) then a few doors down, we found "The Fractured Prune" where freshly made hot donuts are dipped in glazes and toppings of your choice (I did the banana glaze topped with chocolate chips, coconut and peanuts!) They were so fresh and warm that they absolutely melted in your mouth! We also inquired about their donut parties/field trips to bring the kids when they are out of school.

As we were leaving, we noticed the steps back had greetings in different languages from different countries and we happened upon the most appropriate one for our group - MABUHAY is sort of like ALOHA, and can mean anything from Hello to How are you and I love you!

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